
We have all heard the saying "an apple a day keeps the Dr away," and in a lot of ways, it is a very true statement. One medium-sized apple contains:
- Calories: 52
- Water: 86%
- Protein: 0.3 grams
- Carbs: 13.8 grams
- Sugar: 10.4 grams
- Fiber: 2.4 grams
- Fat: 0.2 grams
Also, in a medium-sized apple, you get healthy fiber. In a medium-sized apple, a portion of their fiber comes from insoluble and soluble fibers called pectin. Soluble fiber is associated with numerous health benefits, partly because it feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut. When your gut bacteria aren't balanced with the right amount of good fiber, we can get constipated and irritable you have the opposite when you can't stay out of the bathroom long enough to accomplish the task for the day.
Some studies have shown that apples can lower your risk of certain cancers and heart disease. They are all full of antioxidants; they work to ward off free radical damage and help in the prevention of inflammation.
So, an easy way to get a good health pick me up is to grab an apple and eat on it while you are getting dressed for the day or eat an apple before you go to sleep. The nice thing about apples is that they are a food on the go. If you can't find the time before you head out for work or errands, you can just take one with you and eat it in the car or while you're at your desk at work.
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